Thursday, 10 July 2008

First Dive

In yesterday's Blog I mentioned that I had my first dive. Basically here are pictures to give you an idea of what diving entails. Firstly there is the indoor pool with the platform that is lit-up in the photo.

After going through all the checks there are more checks before you get in. That's me in the suit. When the diver and supervisor are happy with all the checks...

You proceed into the water...

Initially it is quite scary as the pressure builds up around your body and your head. Unless you can equalise your ears (pop them) it can be painful.

10-15 minutes walking around the bottom is great fun. Weird but fun.

Finally when you come out and all the diving equipment is taken off you become the Diver Attendant.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It's so weird to see you like this! I'm glad you're taking pictures of it all.