Thursday 24 July 2008

Week 3, Day 15 - Morning Dive

Hello Children!!! Today's blog will be divided into two halves because we are going to do an evening dive at 22:00 (or 10 pm).

After getting everything setup we got back into our usual rotation and I was first to go in. The biggest difference today was the fact that we had to wear fins. Having dived before with fins I thought it would be straight forward. Wrong!

Because of our weight we all struggled with buoyancy and had to add and take of lead weights until we were at zero buoyancy. This took between 10 and 15 minutes. After that we had to put on our fins. Again this is more complicated given the amount of stuff you are wearing, the lack of sight because of the helmet, and the awkwardness of doing it with a tight dry suit underwater. This took over 5 minutes.

Finally we headed down 50 feet and were asked to return and divided ourselves up. One diver on the Camera, one as the Victim and the third diver as the Rescuer. After each one of us completed all three tasks we did a controlled ascent to the surface. I have got to say that this was by far one of the most tiring dives I have had to do until now and the worst part is....

... we will be doing it tonight in pitch darkness.

1 comment:

Crystal's Elite Dance Studio said...

diving in pitch dark?!? no thanks, I'll pass!! =) watch out for jelly fish! haha!